Choose Product

  1. Search Product
  2. Use the search box by entering the name of the product you want in the text box and press enter.

  3. Select Product
  4. Use the navigation Menu to select the product group, then move the mouse tho the products that you want then click the product to open it.

  5. Add Quantity if Required
  6. If you need more of the same product you can increase the quantity by adding the number in the box or increase the number by clicking the up or down flash

  7. Change color if available
  8. If product comes in different colours use the color option to change it

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Add to cart

  1. Click the add to cart Button
  2. After you click the add to cart, select Checkout if you have completed or close the popup window and contioue shoping.

  3. Proceed to checkout
  4. Proceed to checkout if you have added all you products to the cart.

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Delivery information

  1. Fill your information
  2. Fill in the your information and where the order will be delivered, and then click on continue to shipping

  3. Shipping
  4. On the shipping page Select how you want your goods delivered 1. Store Collection or 2. Courier Door to Door Delivery, then click Continue to payment

  5. Payment
  6. Select payment Method and complete order

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